Thursday, November 12, 2015

First Lower Wing Done

It's been a loooooong time since I uploaded a video to my YouTube channel (Aviation Fanatic) or posted anything here. Why? Well, I was procrastinating big time because of the aileron well (my name for it). That's the aluminum piece on the rear of the wing where the aileron fits in. Anyway, I wasn't looking forward to forming that piece. As it turns out, I was right to be afraid. It was tough!

Although it ended up requiring some filler, it didn't turn out too awful. Between a straight edge, a carpenter's square, the pipe I used on the leading edge, and a hammer, my friend Mike and I got it done. For the other lower wing, I think I'll try some angle iron from a bed frame.

Obviously, there's no aileron. There are a few pieces that I'll need to machine to get that mounted.
They're called "spigots." Other than that, the right lower wing is done.

Here's a closeup of the aileron fit into the aileron well. It's not mounted;
I just placed it there to get an idea of how it fits. Not too bad.